Archive for the Extraterrestrial Category

Stirling Scotland – Daytime UFO Video…

Posted in Alien Technology, Extraterrestrial, UFO, United Kingdom with tags , , , , , , , , on January 29, 2011 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

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Some fascinating daylight UFO video from Stirling Scotland filmed in April 2006. These two videos are of the same object. The first one is the original and the second is the “stabilized” version of the same. Watch the non stabilized version first, then switch to the stabilized version.

What is apparent is the very difficult time this saucer shaped UFO has flying in our atmosphere. This has been reported before in various witness statements, some resembling a falling leaf or wobbling appearance. One can only imagine the Roswell UFO’s and if they lost similar control of their craft before they crashed. This craft appears to be about 300 – 400 feet up, 30 to 40 feet across and about 5 to 10 feet in height. Very interesting stuff.

Stabilized version

Air Intelligence Analyst Sees Triangle UFO

Posted in Alien Technology, Antigravity, Extraterrestrial, MUFON, Triangle, UFO with tags , , , , , on February 1, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

An Air Intelligence Analyst for the U.S. Air Force observed a low flying multi colored triangular shaped craft about a quarter mile beyond Ripon High School (California), which looks to be above farm fields. Here is the story as reported to MUFON.

CA, January 29, 2010 – Hovering triangle with 3 lights on the outside and one glowing light in center. MUFON Case # 21712.

I was driving northbound from Modesto through Ripon heading towards Manteca where my Fiance and I noticed a very bright set of lights in the sky hovering on the left hand side of Highway 99, 1/4 of a mile from Ripon High School.

We thought the lights were from a tower at first until we noticed the object spinning slowly as the outside lights glowed off and on with out a pattern.

Looking toward Ripon High from Highway 99I said “I think it’s a UFO” and as we drove by the object, it was clear that there was nothing holding the lights in the air as it was hovering on it’s own. The center light glowed diferent colors as the outside lights changed from white to orange to red with out blinking.

I then turned off the Highway to turn around so I could get a photo or a video from my phone but by the time we got back on the Highway and to the spot of the sighting, the object was gone. The duration of time of the sighting was roughly around 3 minutes. I felt very uneasy as I am currently an Air Intelligence Analyst in the United States Air Force. The object seem to be at about 600 ft AGL and the size was roughly around 30 yards from point to point. I swear on everything that I have seen the same object in videos as well with the same exact characteristics. I’m baffled!

Stuck On Scotland…

Posted in Alien Abduction, Alien Technology, Coast to Coast,, EBE, Extraterrestrial, Triangle, UFO, United Kingdom with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

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I listened with great excitement to an interview on Coast-To-Coast with Linda Moulten Howe last night. Linda essentially co-hosts on the last Thursday of every month with George Noory. Her productions are second to none. Accurate, probing questions and I do feel unbiased. She really gets to the meat of the matter.

Last nights show was terrific, as it also covered a UFO abduction in Tarbrax, Scotland (indicated on the map to the left), so it coincided nicely with my current Scotland UFO theme. I’m only going to redirect you to Linda’s site from here. Read parts one and two (part three is coming soon). These are incredibly detailed and quite scary reports, with excellent graphics by the abductees. Essentially, they raise more questions about why people continue to be abducted and what/where is “Sanctuary”? Read here

Iridium Flare My A$$

Posted in EBE, Extraterrestrial, Norway, UFO with tags , , , , on January 29, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

Please read on Bugg’s Blog:

With all the solar flare activity lately, we’ve been treated to some very nice Aurora Borealis. Photographers have been going crazy taking some very nice photos, however in northern Norway this was photographed (see the image in the circle below). On Jan. 20, 2010, Per-Arne Mikalsen was photographing a vast aurora erupting over the northern Norwegian town of Andenes.

Latest information released would indicate that this is your typical Iridium satellite flare.

The structured shape of the phenomenon, plus its distance from any light sources, seems to indicate that this isn’t an equipment problem. There is also no known aurora that could do this naturally. So that leaves the “reflection from space” argument. What do we have in space that could possibly reflect the green light being emitted by the aurora?

“I agree with Pål Brekke [Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Space Centre] that a reflection from a satellite is a candidate,” said Hansen. “It reminds of the so-called ‘Iridium flares’ — reflections of sunlight from the regularly shaped Iridium satellites.”

Satellite flares are well known by astronomers. As a satellite passes overhead, the conditions may be right for the spacecraft’s solar panels or antennae to reflect sunlight down to the ground. The result is a short-lived burst of light, known as a “flare.”

The network of Iridium communication satellites are best known for their flares, since they have three huge door-sized antennae that act as orbital mirrors. Witnessing an Iridium flare is immensely rewarding; the event can be predicted beforehand because these satellites have orbits that can be tracked.

My personal concern about the satellite flare theory is the question about auroral light intensity. Is the light from a large aurora bright enough to bounce off a satellite and appear as an auroral satellite flare as a point? And in turn produce a parachute-shaped, lens flare-like projection in the photo? I couldn’t imagine even an Iridium satellite amplifying auroral light that much (although astonking-huge orbital solar power array of the future might do a better job).

“The intensity of an intense aurora is not far from the intensity of moonlight, which is 1/100,000 of sun’s light, and the solar Iridium flares apparently are several orders of magnitude stronger than this ‘auroral flare,’ so the intensity does not immediately exclude the satellite reflection hypothesis,” said Hansen.

A weak auroral flare seems feasible, but as pointed out by astronomer Daniel Fischer via Twitter, the green flare might not have anything to do with reflected aurora light, it could just be the color of the lens coating. The lens flare was therefore the result of internal reflections inside the camera lens caused by the bright lights in the lower left-hand corner of the frame.

“It has the typical caustic shape and it is opposite several bright point lights,” Fischer observed. “Green color could be caused by lens coatings.”

Although more research will need to be done, it certainly seems plausible that Per-Arne Mikalsen serendipitously took a photograph of a satellite flare (possibly an Iridium satellite). The image below is of a known Iridium flare.

What makes this revelation even more exciting is that we’ve never seen an auroral reflection from a satellite before (if it’s not a lens flare, that is).

“I have, by the way, never seen or heard of a similar phenomenon,” Hansen said.

I don’t think the object photographed in the Aurora is an Iridium flare! Do you?

White House Press Secretary Gibbs On UFO’s…

Posted in Communication, Disclosure, EBE, Extraterrestrial, President Obama, UFO, YouTube with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 23, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

In a recent announcement, Presidential Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and President Obama will not be questioned by the White House press corps about anything to do with ET’s or UFO’s. The self regulating White House Press Association, has agreed that questions regarding these topics will not be offered up to the White House in any way. There is a massive amount of peer pressure exerted on a “credentialed” reporter, and that if someone breaks the rules of the association, those hard to come by credentials could be revoked, even though the association doesn’t directly issue credentials.

Here is a video from mid 2009 and how Gibbs answers a caller to C-SPAN about the subject of UFO’s. I feel that the caller wasn’t succinct enough with his question…

What’s That Book In Hillary’s Hands?

Posted in Alien Technology, Disclosure, Extraterrestrial, UFO with tags , , , , , on January 20, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

Please read on Bugg’s Blog:

In the 1990’s Laurance Rockefeller became interested in paranormal phenomena, especially with UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation.  He funded scientific investigations and organized and funded a briefing document to record the best evidence.  Rockefeller also conferred with the Clintons regarding the release of files by President Bill Clinton.

For a closer view of the book that Hillary Clinton is holding, please click this link. A very interesting read!

MSNBC: Missile Test Sparks Chinese UFO Reports

Posted in Alien Technology, China UFO's, Extraterrestrial, UFO with tags , , , on January 17, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

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In an ironic encore, yet another secret military missile test has sparked widespread UFO reports from surprised ground witnesses.

On Dec. 9, a Russian Bulava missile was launched from a submarine within sight of northern Norway, resulting in a spectacular spiral display and a spate of UFO sightings.

This week’s UFO reports apparently were sparked by a Chinese missile that was fired to intercept another missile in flight, for the first time in the nation’s history.

Witnesses in China’s inland provinces of Xinjiang and Gansu weren’t as well equipped with cameras as last month’s Norwegian witnesses were, so the only images reaching the West merely show fuzzy-colored clouds and streaks. The military secrecy surrounding China’s missile test is so tight that Beijing officials seem to be at a loss as to how to respond to the reports. Read the entire MSNBC article here

British UFO Reports Triple in 2009

Posted in Alien Technology, Extraterrestrial, UFO, United Kingdom with tags , , , on January 12, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

Read on Bugg’s Blog:

In 2009 there were 643 reports of bizarre lights, strange spheres and curious orbs in our skies — a figure only beaten in 1978.

UFO expert Nick Pope said 31 years ago there were 750 reports from panicked members of the public.

But this is the last time the Ministry of Defence will release these figures. The government closed their UFO hotline just before the end of last year, after it had been running for almost 60 years.

The files contain sightings from military personnel, police officers and air traffic controllers.

Pope, who used to run the MoD’s UFO project, said last night: “This is incredible. Britain is being inundated with UFO sightings.

“I’m sure the record would have been smashed had the MoD not terminated the UFO project late last year.

“These sensational figures just show how wrong that decision was.

“There are sightings here from military personnel, police officers and air traffic controllers.”

Source: The Sun

The Obama’s UFO Visitors

Posted in Alien Technology, EBE, Extraterrestrial, President Obama, Triangle, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , on January 9, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

Watch in Bugg’s Blog

I hate music on YouTube videos, but I can handle Coldplay. This video purportedly recorded in Oslo as “The Obama” is receiving his Nobel Prize, for err, whatever reason it was given to him. In it, one can clearly see a triangle UFO appear, pointing straight up. I guess the EBE’s had to see this event to believe it also!

Just How Do Those ET’s Make It Here Anyhow? Well…

Posted in Alan C. Holt, Antigravity, EBE, Extraterrestrial, NASA, The Future, Time Travel, Triangle, UFO with tags , , , , , , on January 7, 2010 by Rick Buggy's Rants & Ravings

Read this on Bugg’s Blog

This was written in 1979 by Alan C. Holt. Please read this carefully. It is somewhat technical but Holt provides examples of the theories to somewhat illustrate their purpose. Holt is/was a research engineer and astrophysicist working with Johnson Space Centre. It is incredible how Holt references UFO’s and Extraterrestrials in this NASA report. A very interesting read. I hope my Ph.D cousin check’s out the blog and can offer his insight without breaking his Official Secrets Act oath 🙂

N80-19184 13 p HC A02/MP A01 CSCL 21C
G3/20 14761 – August 1979
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

The speculative “propulsion” concept described in this paper was presented at a special session of the 15th Joint AIAA/SAE/ASME Propulsion Conference (June 18-20, 1979), “Propulsion Concepts for Galactic Spacecraft”. The concept was developed as the result of private, unofficial research. NASA is not involved in UFO research. However, the research which may be stimulated by this paper could result in the verification of essential elements of this concept and in feasibility studies concerning the development of a new generation of NASA spacecraft. – Alan C. Holt

A new propulsion concept has been developed based on a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics). Using this concept, a spacecraft “propulsion” system potentially capable of galactic and inter-galactic travel without prohibitive “travel times” has been designed. The “propulsion” system utilizes recent research associated with magnetic field line merging, hydromagnetic wave effects, free-electron lasers, laser generation of megagauss fields, and special structural and containment metals. Research required to determine potential, field resonance characteristics and to evaluate various aspects of the spacecraft “propulsion” design is described.

The field resonance “propulsion” concept has been developed utilizing recent research into causes of solar flares, magnetic substorms, black holes, quasars, and UFOs. The concept is based on two assumptions:

(1) Space-time is a “projection” of a higher dimensional space in much the same way that a hologram is a projection or a subset of our space-time reality,
(2) A relationship exists between electromagnetic / hydromagnetic fields and gravitational fields – that is, Einstein’s long sought for unified field theory can be developed. Mathematical relationships have been developed and theoretical concepts have been proposed to describe the causes and effects associated with the assumptions, but experimental data is required to develop the correct theoretical basis for the assumptions (Rachman and Dutheil, 1979). Specific research in a number of areas is needed and will be described later.

There does exist, however, some astrophysical data which tends to support these assumptions. For example, astronomers have speculated that a relationship may exist between black holes and quasars (white holes). The energy and matter which leaves space-time in a black hole may reappear at a white hole at some distant space-time point. For this transfer of energy from one space-time point to another to occur, some type of hyperspace or higher dimensional space (4th & 5th) is required. Assumption 2 may be the cause of the large amount of energy released in solar flairs. In sunspot regions where solar flairs occur, the 2-3 thousand gauss magnetic fields are configured such that the positive and negative polarities are in close proximity with each other. Where the positive and negative magnetic field lines are nearly anti-parallel a process called magnetic field line merging can take place. In this process the oppositely directed field lines break and re-connect expelling fields and plasma out from the sides. As a result magnetic energy is converted into kinetic energy. The magnetic field line merging process has been proposed as the most likely explanation for solar flare eruptions. However, some flares can release energy which equals 10% of the suns’ total output in a second. This large amount of energy is difficult to achieve with the magnetic field line merging concept. Thus it may be that the configuration of the magnetic fields and associated hydromagnetic waves (oscillation of field lines) may induce a “resonance” with gravitational fields resulting in a release of gravitational as well as magnetic energy.

It is well known that the geometrical relationships of the magnetic fields (and thus the field gradients) are more important to the production of solar flairs than the magnitude of the field strength. A strongly convoluted boundary between magnetic polarities results in a high probability for large and frequent flares. Another fact of interest is that hydromagnetic waves generated by solar flare have been observed to propagate across the chromospheric surface and trigger flares in other sun spot regions. Alfven waves, which appear to be the dominant wave form involved, change only the geometry of the field lines. This effect also indicates that the initiation of solar flares definitely depends on geometrical relationships as do the properties of space-time and gravitational fields. Magnetic field line merging has also been used to explain the interaction of the solar wind (and associated fields) with the Earth’s magnetic fields at the magnetopause and the generation of magnetic substorms which often are triggered by solar flairs. The magnetic fields line merging process is also an essential part of the field resonance “propulsion” concept.

UFO studies indicate that the unexplained (residual UFO) phenomena may be due to extraterrestrial visitors, parapsychological experiences, or a combination of the two. If some UFO phenomena are caused by extraterrestrial visitors in very advanced spacecraft, then the frequency of visits and the larger number of different types of visitors (many different humanoids have been described) imply an ability to cross large stretches of galactic and inter-galactic space in relatively short time frames. If the speed of light is a true limit of velocity in space-time, then the potential extraterrestrial visitors must utilize a form of transportation which transcends space and time to keep the trip times short. UFOs are often observed to disappear instantaneously. In a subset of these cases, the UFO later reappears at a nearby location implying a a disappearance from and a reappearance into space-time. The high speed, right angle turns, abrupt stops or accelerations of UFOs, and the absence of sonic booms despite calculated speeds of 22,000 mph or more suggest that UFOs may generate an artificial gravitational field or otherwise use properties of space-time which we are not familiar with. UFO propulsion systems appear to involve electromagnetic or hydromagnetic processes as evidenced by radiative effects on the environment such as burns, dehydration, stopping of automobile engines, TV and radio disruptions, melting or alteration of ground and road surfaces, power disruptions, and static electricity effects. This data suggests that the unknown relationship between electromagnetic and gravitational fields may be used in UFO propulsion systems.

The concept of transcending space-time for interstellar and intergalactic travel was felt to be a viable possibility based solely on theoretical studies in physics and astrophysics and UFO studies. But with the postulation and potential discovery of black holes, the potential for experimental support for this concept in the near future has been established. Astronomers have already speculated on the possibility that the mass and energy absorbed by a black hole may reappear in white holes or quasars. For mass and energy to be transported from one space-time point to another without an observable connection implies some form of higher dimensional space transcending space-time as we know it. The existence of a higher dimensional space would open up new space travel possibilities since the connections between space-time points through this hyperspace could involve laws much different than those which are so constraining in space-time. For example, if each space-time point can be assumed to be unique and if a relationship does exist between gravitational and electromagnetic fields, then each space-time point defined by a geometric form (Einsteins tensor metric) would be expected to have natural resonances with certain electro/hydro magnetic wave forms (geometric forms) which are (effectively) higher or lower harmonics of that space-time point (which is a “projection” of higher dimensional space). The potential existence of the space-time harmonics mean that if a craft at a specified space-time point artificially generate a configuration of electro/hydromagnetic fields which has a resonance with a distant space-time point, a basic imbalance would be created. This imbalance would be out of harmony with the “projection laws” which create the space-time properties from higher dimensional properties. Forces would be set in motion to re-establish a balance which in this case require that the craft and its fields be located at the space-time point where such field configurations are a natural harmonic of that space-time metric. The best analogy in every day life is that of tuning a radio. The tuning knob in this case is the spacecraft’s mechanism for changing the configuration of the magnetic wave form. The radio stations are various space-time points. For a radio, the signal (which is always there) is manifested through the speakers associated with the radio, for the field resonance system the speakers exist only at the radio station. Once the spacecraft’s magnetic wave form is tuned into a distant space-time point, that wave form is forced to manifest only at that space-time point according to the “projection laws”. A means of generating the electro/hydromagnetic configurations which would be required remained a problem until the study of magnetic field line merging and hydromagnetic wave effects was undertaken. With the completion of recent thesis research, a possible means for generating the magnetic wave was determined (Holt, 1979). This research along with the results of fusion research resulted in the proposed implementation of a spacecraft which generates megagauss magnetic fields which are oppositely directed. These oppositely directed field lines will merge and re-connect expelled field lines and plasma out to the sides. In this initial concept, expelled field lines again meet oppositely directed field lines and merge again, possibly forcing large amounts of electromagnetic and hydromagnetic radiation outside the craft. This concept is currently undergoing revision.

In the proposed implementation high powered lasers are used to generate the megagauss fields by the effects of non-colinear temperature and density gradients (Kruer and Eastabrook, 1977; Max et al., 1978; Nishihara and Ohsawa, 1976). By alternately pulsing adjacent laser sets, the location of the merging process can be made to oscillate back and forth at a desired rate. The amount of laser energy can be varied to alter the strength of the magnetic fields. Thus by changing the laser’s power and/or wavelength and the pulse frequency, the resultant magnetic wave form can be changed or tuned to the desired harmonic of a distant space-time point. If flight to a nearby location is desired, the magnetic wave form can be continuously re-tuned allowing very quick and short space-time transformations. For an observer it would appear to be a smooth flight in much the same way that we do not see the individual frames of a film. For large jumps or travel to very distant space-time points, some means of preventing the tuning to intermediate space-time points is required. In recent thesis work it was shown that hydromagnetic waves can inhibit or enhance magnetic field line merging depending on a number of factors including the magnitude and frequency of the hydromagnetic waves (Holt, 1979). Thus by generating the appropriate hydromagnetic waves, the generation of a coherent magnetic wave form can be prevented until the laser characteristics have been adjusted so as to generate the magnetic wave form which is a harmonic of the distant space-time point. Then the hydromagnetic waves can be stopped and the magnetic wave form can develop. The medium in which the magnetic field line merging occurs (vacuum, ionized gas, etc), energy storage requirements, the pumping mechanism for the lasers, and crew control interfaces are currently being studied. To avoid large energy storage requirements, magnetic pumping of the lasers may be utilized to allow a reuse of a portion of the laser energy which is otherwise radiated. It may also be possible to obtain substantial energy during the initial part of the process of tuning to a new space-time point through the resonance with gravitational fields. By allowing the craft to continuously shift or oscillate to new, nearby space-time points, a continual supply of energy could be obtained while in a hovering mode. The oscillation could be accomplished by the modulation of magnetic field line merging by adjusting hydromagnetic wave parameters. This technique would provide energy for the lasers without disrupting major laser re-tuning processes. The outer shape of the proposed spacecraft is a “winged disc”. The wings would be used for testing purposes only and could later be eliminated following sufficient testing (Grief and Tolhurst, 1963).

The magnetic field line merging process and the effects of varying associated parameters requires extensive study. Specific laboratory tests should be conducted, some of which could be conducted in association with fusion research. These tests should be supplemented by computer modeling studies and the collection of experimental data on magnetic field configurations and hyromagnetic wave fluctuations before and after solar flares and geomagnetic substorms. The generation of megagauss magnetic fields by high powered lasers and the effects of varying laser parameters should be studied in laboratory experiments. Much of this research could be accomplished in association with fusion research. Containment and protective materials and structures for the spacecraft could also be a by-product of fusion research. The pumping of lasers by the use of magnetic fields should also be studied in laboratory experiments. Extensive measurements of the radiation emitted by UFOs would be extremely useful in gaining insight into the physics and technology UFOs may represent. These measurements should include photographic spectra (using special filters for cameras), magnetic measurements (using high sensitivity detectors), recording of radio frequencies, and the use of geiger counters to detect high energy particles. A large distribution of special detectors, as described above, should be made to UFO investigators, police departments, and other interested individuals. In addition, portable modules containing sophisticated detectors should be located at strategic positions in various countries to allow rapid transport to high activity areas. Effects on minerals, plants, animals, and humans should be studied to gain insight into radiation emitted by UFOs. Effects on humans such as burns, symptoms of radiation sickness, and other body changes should be thoroughly investigated by physicians. Regressive hypnosis should be used extensively to obtain technologically valuable information from UFO close encounter participants. Three dimensional models of exterior and interior of UFOs should be made for cases which are significant from a technological point of view. As soon as some of the basic interactions are better understood or after a thorough review of the state of the art of hydromagnetic interactions is completed, small scale test models of the propulsion system and spacecraft should be constructed and extensive testing performed. The testing should proceed hand-in-hand with the results of other research. Several test models may be needed in case one or two are “lost”.

Since the field resonance concept utilizes two unproven assumptions and currently unverified magnetohydrodynamic processes, the concept is likely to require extensive modification and perhaps a complete revamping following initial research activity and subsequent feasibility studies. I am confident, however, that the research accomplished under the motivation of this or a similar propulsion concept will result in theoretical and technological advances and ultimate break through in propulsion and energy systems.

Subsequent Holt Report

In 1980, Holt prepared another report for the AIAA/SAE/ASME 16th JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE June 30-July 2,1980/Hartford, Connecticut where he indicates that propulsion systems such as the ones mentioned above were no more than ten years away, given proper funding and resources:

“A breakthrough in field-dependent propulsion systems is not more than 10 years away if the resources required to complete a breakthrough in field physics are provided within the next 3 years. The primary resource required is a special field physics laboratory which can be used to investigate and determine quantitative relationships between gravitational fields, magnetic and electric fields, and the basic structure of spacetime.

With a quantitative knowledge of these relationships, aircraft and spacecraft with performance characteristics far surpassing that of the Space Shuttle, the SR-71A (strategic reconnaissance aircraft), and the F16 (highly maneuverable fighter bomber) can be built.

Field-dependent propulsion systems will not utilise the propulsive momentum thrust which is required for current spacecraft and aircraft. These advanced systems will rely entirely on the use of internally generated electromagnetic configurations or patterns to alter the gravitational forces acting on the systems, resulting in the desired motion. Various theories or models have been proposed to describe these types of electromagnetic and gravitational force interactions, ranging from Einstein’s extensive work on a unified field theory to the highly motivated and often innovative work of serious “amateurs.”

Given the fact that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the Department of Defense (Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld) (that was in 2001) and that thirty years has gone by since the report was written and that we are now twenty years beyond when Holt predicted that we would have this technology developed, then it’s not hard to imagine that Holt’s plans have probably been realized. Anyone seen a slow, quiet, gigantic triangle recently? Huh?